Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Paris |

Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Paris |


28 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Paris

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What is the most visited place in Paris?

Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower (la Tour Eiffel) ranks high on the list of places to visit in France and is the most-visited tourist attraction in the world.

Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Paris |

What is the prettiest place in Paris?

Pont Alexandre III. This ornate, Beaux-Arts–style bridge connects the Left and Right Banks of Paris, and is one of the biggest tourist photo-ops in the city.

Where is the most visited place in France?

Most visited cultural and recreational sites in France in 2017 (in 1,000s of admissions)
CharacteristicTotal entries in thousands
Disneyland Paris14,860
Louvre Museum8,022
Versailles Palace7,714
Eiffel Tower6,207

What are the top three tourist attractions in France?

  1. Eiffel Tower. 
  2. Musée du Louvre | Louvre Museum.
  3. Château de Versailles. Château de Versailles.
  4. Côte d'Azur. Menton, Côte d'Azur.
  5. Mont Saint-Michel. Mont Saint-Michel.
  6. Loire Valley Châteaux.
  7. Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres.

What is the most famous street in Paris?

Champs-Élysées, officially Avenue des Champs-Élysées (French: “Avenue of the Elysian Fields”), broad avenue in Paris, one of the world's most famous, which stretches 1.17 miles (1.88 km) from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde.

How many tourists visit Paris each year?

Paris brings in over 30 million tourists a year. Between 15-20 million visitors come to France, to pass through to Italy and Spain. The most popular age of tourists visiting France is 25-44 with 66.89 million in 2017.

What is the most beautiful street in Paris?

Paris: the 5 most beautiful pedestrian streets
  • Rue des Thermopyles (75014)
  • Rue des Barres (75004)
  • Rue Daguerre (75014)
  • Rue Montorgueil (75002)
  • Rue Saint-Rustique (75018)

Is Paris the most beautiful city in the world?

2New York CityUnited States
3LondonUnited Kingdom

What food is Paris famous for?

  1. Croissants: Cheap, yet unforgettable. Start your day like a true Parisian and get yourself an all-butter croissant for breakfast!
  2. Escargots: A national symbol.
  3. Macarons.
  4. Jambon-beurre: Paris street food at its best.
  5. Steak tartare.
  6. Cheese.
  7. Onion soup.

Is Paris still worth visiting?

The French capital is one of the most romantic cities in Europe and one of the world's most visited cities. There are endless reasons to visit Paris repeatedly: it is a beautiful and cultural city, very walkable, with great sights, and it has been a source of inspiration for many writers, artists, and filmmakers.

Why France is the most popular tourist destination?

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, France has been the world's most popular tourist destination for over 25 years. Some people visit France simply because they consider it one of the most beautiful places in the world, with excellent food and hundreds of cheeses.

Is Paris more beautiful than London?

Paris has been voted the most beautiful city in the world in a new ranking. Travel website Flight Network compiled the list of 50 cities by surveying more than 1,000 travel writers and agencies around the world. The French capital came top, followed by New York in second place and London in third

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